Milka [the Great{est} Dane]

sharing the colorful spots of my life…

Celebrity, here I comes! June 20, 2011

Filed under: Colorful Spots — Milka [the Great Dane] @ 10:35 pm

Hello everybody!

Me, crazy doggie style!
So, I’m really happy today because it’s my #1 post in my brand new blog and now I can share with u all my adventures!

Welcome all… Hope u enjoy it!

Slobbers 2 u all!


2 Responses to “Celebrity, here I comes!”

  1. Sasha Says:

    BARK! Welcome to the blog world. Part of being a four-paw is having to wait patiently for mommies to finish other things, so they can then right all the wonderful things about us. Just give her a slobber and she will have to get up to clean up, then direct her back to the puter.
    BARK! Sasha the Princess

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